Luca Zaia positive at Covid, the president of Veneto is symptomatic: how is he


Freelance journalist since 2014. For over 10 years he has been dealing with communication and information on the web, writing about various topics: from sports to news, through politics and entertainment. He has also collaborated with important newspapers and paper magazines and radio and TV broadcasters.
The president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia it turned out positive for Covid to a swab performed on Thursday 6 October.
How is Luca Zaia, positive at Covid
The health conditions by Luca Zaia are good, according to what the ‘Ansa’ agency has learned from regional sources. The president of the Veneto Region is paucisymptomatic (has only some fever line) and is continuing to work regularly.
Luca Zaia and the appeal on the masks in the event of a crowd
On the occasion of the inauguration of Caseus, a few days ago, the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia had declared about the recent increase in Covid cases: “We need to be careful and use the mask in the event of a crowd, without demonizing or blaming those who use it. even in less crowded situations. We need to know that we have to live with this virus, which is increasingly endemic ”.
Photo source: ANSA
The president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia tested positive for Covid-19 after a swab performed by him on Thursday 6 October 2022.
How many Covid cases are there in Veneto
In Veneto, that is the Region governed by Luca Zaia, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità recorded an incidence of Covid-19 cases at 728.9 per 100 thousand inhabitants on Friday 7 October, while the Region’s bulletin reported 6,650 infections from Covid in the last 24 hours. On the other hand, there are 6 new deaths.
The total of infections since the beginning of the pandemic in Veneto has risen to 2,313,631, while the deaths to 15,521. The current coronavirus positives are also growing, which are 51,880.
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Hospital admissions are on the rise. currently 756 (against 714 on Thursday) Covid patients hospitalized in medical wards. The number of patients in intensive care is also growing: 38 against 32 on Thursday.


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