Lucky MLB Fan Seeks “Life-Changing Money” From a Rare 35-Year-Old Babe Ruth Commodity


Published 02/06/2023, 11:40 AM EST
When one thinks of the storied history of the New York Yankees, one name instantly comes to mind: Babe Ruth. Ruth was a larger-than-life figure in the world of baseball. Known for his excellence in the ballpark. It’s no surprise that owning a piece of memorabilia signed by Babe Ruth is considered a rare and coveted prize.
Imagine, then, the excitement of Will Maggard from Sugar Land, Texas. He possesses a piece of baseball history that will forever be a part of the game’s legacy. Let’s dive deeper into this story, shall we?
The fellow from Sugar Land boasts a Babe Ruth Treasure
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For 35 years, he has treasured a Christmas gift from his late great-mother, a baseball autographed by none other than Babe Ruth. With hopes of getting his treasure authenticated, Will made a trip to the TriStar. The moment of truth finally arrived, and the authentication process confirmed what Will had always hoped for – his Babe Ruth autographed baseball was, in fact, legitimate. Not only was it real but was rated a 6 on a zero to ten scale, making it a highly prized item.
The news of the authenticity brought with it a substantial offer, but Will had bigger aspirations. He is “hoping for a life-changing” amount of money and is holding out for more. This was an incredible moment for Will, who had held onto the baseball for so many years, not even knowing if it was real.
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For baseball enthusiasts and collectors, an autographed Babe Ruth baseball is a rare find, and it’s not surprising that Will is hoping for a life-changing sum. The Babe’s signature is a symbol of baseball’s rich history and a piece of memorabilia that can only appreciate in value over time.
What is Babe Ruth’s signed baseball worth?
According to ESPN, the highest price ever paid for Babe Ruth’s autographed ball was an astonishing $388,375. But there’s one Babe Ruth ball that’s worth even more than its monetary value. Before a 1926 World Series game, an injured young man approached Ruth and requested his autograph. Ruth being the gentleman he is, did one better. He wrote a message on the baseball and promised the young fan that he would hit a home run for him that day.
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As the story goes, Ruth kept his word and went on to hit a remarkable three home runs that day, much to the delight of the fan. The holy grail of a ball was sold for slightly less than the highest-priced autographed ball at $250,641.
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