NASCAR Reportedly Infuriated Over Michael Jordan-Led Alliance’s Decision to Make Their “Bullsh*t” Public


As per the article from Stern, NASCAR teams, through the Race Team Alliance, have expressed dissatisfaction with their revenue share. Since the 2008 recession, NASCAR teams have struggled to secure sponsorship deals, leading to a decline in the sport’s performance indicators. This dissatisfaction with the league revenue brought the teams together, leading to the formation of the Race Team Alliance in 2014.
Michael Jordan and Curtis Polk back the RTA
The alliance, consisting of 16 teams that field 36 cars in the Cup Series, has greater insight into NASCAR’s finances since the sport’s sanctioning body went private in 2019 and released sensitive financial information to the teams.
They now believe they deserve a larger share of the revenue as they claim that NASCAR’s assets make up 93% of the sport’s value, while their assets account for only 7%.


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