Snyder’s Soapbox: MLB has the best sports venues — eat your heart out, everyone else


Welcome to Snyder’s Soapbox! Here, I pontificate about matters related to Major League Baseball on a weekly basis. Some of the topics will be pressing matters, some might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and most will be somewhere in between. The good thing about this website is that it’s free, and you are allowed to click away. If you stay, you’ll get smarter, though. That’s a money-back guarantee. Let’s get to it.
This last week or so, I’ve watched a good amount of non-baseball sports. It was great. Baseball is my passion, but I enjoy many sports. There’s been a lot of basketball and football, both professional and not. I also watched an NHL game at Wrigley Field and rather enjoyed the brick-and-ivy theming.
In the midst of my admiring, something I long knew was a strong opinion of mine became as clear as it had ever been: Baseball has the best sports venues and it isn’t even particularly close. Ballparks absolutely crush arenas, stadiums, fields, etc. for other sports.