Swedish duo breaks record for 13-hour table tennis rally


Emil Ohlsson and Fredrik Nilsson, known as the Spin Duo, have set a new record for the longest table tennis rally. Screenshot courtesy of The Spin Duo/ Youtube
Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Jan. 16 (UPI) — Swedish table tennis enthusiasts Emil Ohlsson and Fredrik Nilsson, known as the Spin Duo, have set a new record for the longest table tennis rally, lasting 13 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds. The marathon match occurred on July 20, 2024, at Slice Malmö, a ping-pong bar in Malmö, Sweden. Advertisement
Over four months of intense physical and mental training paid off as the duo lobbed the ball back and forth without a single break, cheered on by friends and family who celebrated with champagne at the finish.
The record-breaking rally required unwavering focus, even as the players multitasked, such as eating while keeping the ball in play. Technical support monitored the rally, which had to be continuous with no breaks between passes.
When they surpassed the previous record, held by two players from the U.K. since June, the Spin Duo cheered.
In March, a table tennis club in Northern Ireland completed for a Guinness World Record for most consecutive opponents in a table tennis rally.
