Swimming pool, athletics track, gyms: the facilities of the Finance Academy open to sports clubs


Bergamo. Bergamo amateur sports associations will be able to use the sports facilities of the Guardia di Finanza academy.
Mayor Giorgio Gori and the commander Paolo Kalenda on Tuesday 27 September they signed the agreement that provides for the use of the multipurpose gym (volleyball and basketball court), the martial arts gym, the swimming pool and the athletics track, according to a calendar capable of guaranteeing compliance with the training needs of the visitors of course, as well as those of service and safety necessary for the Institute.
The Municipality has the task of coordinating, through the Cus identified as the managing body, both the use of the facilities by those bodies, associations and sports clubs that request it, and the relations with the Academy for the use of the spaces in compliance with the agreed.
The agreement has a renewable duration of 5 years.
The implants
The affiliated sports facilities, which are located where once there were the pavilions of the “former Ospedali Riuniti” reserved for dermatology, isolation and laundry, have been designed and built according to the most modern technologies. There is an athletics track, in synthetic turf, with a total length of 301.88 meters and made up of 6 lanes; a multipurpose gym, 660 square meters, equipped for both volleyball and basketball and also usable for gymnastic activities in general, the 25 meter long swimming pool, divided into 6 lanes and 1.50 meters deep and the martial arts gym with a 121 square meter tatami and equipped with 13 fitbox bags with base.
The availability of facilities
Multifunctional gym (volleyball and basketball court)
Mon-Tue-Thu 21.00-23.00; Wed-Fri 19.00-23.00; Sat-Sun 14.00-23.00
Martial arts gym
Mon-Tue-Thu 20.00-23.00; Wed-Fri 19.00-23.00; Sat-Sun 14.00-23.00
from Mon to Fri 19.00-23.00; Sat-Sun 14.00-23.00
Athletics track
from Mon to Fri 19.00-23.00; Sat-Sun 14.00-23.00
The statements
“Today’s signature of the convention for the use of sports facilities represents the achievement of a milestone, yet another, made possible only through the intense institutional cooperation that has long characterized the relationships that bind the Institute that I have the privilege to command with the territory that has hosted it for the past 38 years – declared the commander of the Guardia di Finanza academy Paolo Kalenda -. Within the Corps, this agreement represents an absolute novelty, above all because it has the advantage of involving not only the various promoting institutions, but also, and directly, the citizens, in a consolidated climate of mutual respect and trust, aiming at an ideal and a sustainable form of sharing public resources, in promoting sport and the positive values ​​it bears: loyalty, respect and healthy competition “.
“The transformation of the former hospital into the new headquarters of the Academy of the Guardia di Finanza was and continues to be of great significance for the districts of Santa Lucia and Loreto, and so for the whole city, not only because of the works carried out within the large sector of the former Reunites: we are talking about an area of ​​over 122 thousand square meters, affected by a redevelopment project worth tens of millions of euros: in addition to this large redevelopment plan, now completed by about a year, 5100 square meters have become a new public surface with works for over 7 million euros to be paid by the operator – added the mayor Gori -.
The pavilion of the former anatomy and the civic center, in particular, are the result of a long work of comparison and interaction with the realities of the neighborhood: these spaces will represent a center of great importance for Santa Lucia and Loreto, connected as they are by the track cycle path that has finally made it possible to make the sector of the former Reunites permeable. We are preparing to transfer the Department of Social Policies to the pavilion which will be given the name chosen by our fellow citizens.
The last piece is what this important convention defines, namely the use of the sports facilities of the Academy by various associations in our city: the partnership that we imagined a few years ago between the Guardia di Finanza and Bergamo is now complete ” .
“Thanks to today’s signature, we are implementing the first sporting year of operation of the agreement between the Municipality of Bergamo and the Academy of the Guardia di Finanza for the use of sports facilities by city bodies and associations. It is an important element that contributes to responding to the many requests for spaces for grassroots sport. These activities, and the people who conduct them, are one of the socio-educational characteristics of our city, full of opportunities – not just sports – widespread in the neighborhoods “, commented Loredana Policouncilor for Sport and Leisure
In the end Claudio BertolettiPresident of Cus Bergamo: “The Cus, as a sports center of the University and therefore within the framework of the existing relationships between the University, the Municipality of Bergamo and the Academy of the Guardia di Finanza, is naturally pleased to be able to contribute from an operational point of view to facilitate the ‘access by bodies, associations and sports clubs to the important equipment of the Academy, trusting that their activities can be useful for the best use of the facilities ”.



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