We generated new Pokemon using sports figures and they are eerily accurate


Here at SB Nation, we enjoy all the creative aspects of the sports world.
Which means that everyone is extremely online for the moments when a generator pops up that turns your name into a Pokemon. Basically what you do is put any name you want into the generator, and out comes what that person would be as a Pokemon.
Let’s use a name, say, JP Acosta, as an example. Put that name into a generator and you get this lovable looking animal who looks like he’s offering you a side mission for more bananas in Animal Crossing.
Naturally, we decided to turn sports figures into Pokemon. Who doesn’t wanna see Kevin Durant as a fighting type Pokemon?
Nick Saban
Nick Saban is definitely a normal type Pokemon, but they absolutely nail the general stoic-ness of his face. He would also use normal-type moves, like roar and bite. Nick Saban probably has never bitten anyone though (although you never know…)
Tom Brady
Something about this feels … well off. This result for Tom Brady gives off a quiet, stealthy vibe. Brady does rely on quiet movement in the pocket but once he gets going downfield, stealthy is not the word I would use to describe his athletic ability. Wait, I have an idea … —Mark Schofield
Tom Brady Throwing a Tablet
Okay, now we are getting somewhere … — Mark Schofield
Patrick Mahomes
Pretty sure this is also how defenses see Patrick Mahomes too. An evil looking mage who will destroy you and everything you hold dear, but also in a way, chill. I’d grab a beer with Patrick MaPokemon.
Myles Garrett
Myles Garrett’s Pokemon absolutely lifts, and is unafraid to tell you that. Also probably knows where to get some sweet preworkout that’ll have you deadlifiting the entire state of Ohio.
Darren Rovell in his Gatorade Jacket
I wanted to pay homage to one of my favorite tweets in the history of the bird app, and frankly, I think they nail it with this. From the colors down to the stance, it captures that slice of sports history perfectly. — Mark Schofield
Jerry Jones
This…this is terrifying.
Aaron Judge
I feel fairly confident in stating that Pokemon Aaron Judge is not hitting 60 home runs anytime soon.
However, I also feel pretty confident that this version of the New York Yankees outfielder is going to cover a lot of ground in the outfield. Perhaps the entire outfield. Anything hit to the gaps is going to be cut off instantly, and good luck trying to take an extra base or two. Maybe that makes this a perfect Pokemon for Judge. Judge has yet to win a Gold Glove, despite being a finalist multiple times, but is perhaps underrated for what he does in the field. — Mark Schofield
Michael Jordan
I don’t think this Pokemon truly captures Jordan’s essence. It’s not bald enough, and it feels like this Pokemon is way too nice. Like Pokemon Michael Jordan actually doesn’t hate everyone else on the court, and probably still talks to the PokeBulls to this day. However, this fits because Jordan definitely had dat Dawg in him.
I’ll see myself out.
Bleached Skin Sammy Sosa
This just feels fake. This Pokemon looks like the StayPuft man.
Houston Nutt
Looks like your Pokedex could use some heppin’!
Brian Kelly, but only using a Southern accent
This is way too accurate. Pokemon Brian Kelly looks like his name is Puddles and he teaches children about having good friends and following the Bible.
Did I just make him a member of the VeggieTales?
Russell Westbrick
I present to you Russell Westbrook’s Pokémon counterpart: Russell Westbrick!
The Lakers may prefer this version as he looks to be a wall on defense, something they desperately need. — Zain Fahimullah
Roger Federer
Look, I’m not going to say this thing definitively is Roger Federer, but if any of the creations on this page are capable of stupidly ridiculous tennis shot placement, this one is it. I’m also not sure that tennis racket is regulation, possibly because it also IS A SWORD. — James Brady
Andy Reid
On the other hand, this guy is DEFINITELY Andy Reid. This is the Pokemon everyone forgets about before it sweeps a tournament due to its ridiculous high HP and DEF stats and an annoying, unpredictable moveset on top of that. Andy Reid used Rest! Andy Reid used Outrage! Andy Reid used Scald! — James Brady
Russell Wilson
Okay, so I had a very specific search request I was going for here, not simply “Russell Wilson.” The actual term I used was “Russell Wilson cooking but it’s just a Subway sandwich,” which definitely influenced the A.I. of to create this.
There’s really a lot of things going on here that we need to discuss. Firstly, Russ isn’t repping the Broncos, but the colors indicate that he’s playing for Team Subway, as any good brand ambassador would. It also appears one of his hands has transformed into a Jai Alai scoop, presumably for gathering veggies, while the other crab claw is for cutting meats and cheeses.
The element I can’t get over is the face. That haunting, sullen face. It the exact face I make when I can’t decide on what to have for lunch, get decision paralysis, and end up arriving at a Subway in a freakout. I’m upset that I have settled and ruined a precious meal on a decidedly worse sandwich than I could make a home — so that’s my face.
— James Dator



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