When Steph Curry Met Peter Nicks He Fumbled a Quesadilla


It’s hard holding a quesadilla while wearing four championship rings. The Sundance documentary Stephen Curry: Underrated follows Curry during the 2021 NBA season playing for the Golden State Warriors while looking back at intimate moments of his life, including his start playing for Davidson College. While visiting the Vulture Spot at Sundance, director Peter Nicks and producer Erick Peyton talk about what it’s like to meet an NBA living legend and how the film can inspire those who are 5’11 that they, too, can transcend that barrier. “Steph is exactly who you think he is,” promises Peyton.“When I first met him, it was almost like meeting a brother. Because when he walks into a room, he really does look you in the eye and wants to know who you are. You’re the person in front of him, and that’s what he is directing all his attention towards.” Nicks then details his first meeting with Curry, where Curry dropped his lunch to direct his attention toward him.
The film is set to debut on Apple TV+ sometime this year, but in the meantime, if you want to live your sports fan-fiction fantasy of meeting Steph Curry, close your eyes and imagine Steph:
➽ Looking at you directly in the eye
➽ Really trying to get to know you and asking you personal questions
➽ Dropping a quesadilla after seeing you for the first time



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